How to take care of your phone’s battery life

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We all have this one thing on our hand, in our bag or in our pocket that we depend on so much, that once it gets dysfunctional, our whole world collapses – cell phones or smartphones. These days, our phones hold many apps that...
How to Maintain your Motorcycle

How to Maintain your Motorcycle

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are a lot of things to do before you ride. Whether it’s the first ride of the season or you’re out riding every week, you should always go through pre-ride checklist before you go on the highway. Here are the things you should...
How a Motorcycle is different from a Car?

How a Motorcycle is different from a Car?

Many car drivers – mostly those who’ve never been on a motorcycle – question why anybody would ever trade in four wheels for two. Those who saddle up know full well the many advantages to riding versus driving. The reasons vary too. Whether you...
Are Washing Machines Better Than Hand Washing?

Are Washing Machines Better Than Hand Washing?

Let’s face it… Hand washing your clothes takes a lot of time. In the past, you might’ve been choosing to beat your clothes because it’s said that washing machines are bad for you clothes. Yes, washing machines are bad for your clothes…If you do it wrong. If done...

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